Annual reports

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Annual Report 2023


2023 was a strong financial year for Lind Invest. It was a year with rising financial markets, which also impacted our investment results. We find our return on investments satisfactory taking the development of the financial markets into consideration. 


Based on our investment result and our donations, Lind Invest generated profit after tax of TDKK 641,047 for 2023.  


In the Fiscal year, Lind Invest donated TDKK 20,000 to Lind Foundation and further donations of TDKK 25,423 to Project Kongelunden. Without the inclusion of our donations to Lind Foundation and Project Kongelunden, our result after tax is TDKK 686,470.


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2022 was a challenging year for Lind Invest. It was a year with volatile and declining financial markets, which also impacted our investment results. However, considering the development of the financial markets we find the results of our investments satisfactory.

Based on our investment result and our donations, Lind Invest generated a profit after tax of DKK -858m for 2022.

In 2022, we reached an important milestone within the social responsibility area with the establishment of Lind Foundation. With their own organisation, they have execution power and financial muscles to do more than ever within donations to the social area and disadvantaged people. In the Fiscal year, Lind Invest donated DKK 138m to Lind Foundation and DKK 250m to Project Kongelunden, which emphasizes our high ambitions in this area.

Without the inclusion of our donations to Lind Foundation and Project Kongelunden, our result after tax is DKK -470m.


2021 was a very successful year for Lind Invest. It was a year of superior financial performance while we as a society learned to live with Covid-19 as things slowly went back to normal.

Lind Invest generated profit after tax of DKK 1,817m for 2021, and equity increased by 27%. We consider the performance highly satisfactory in both absolute and relative terms.

The performance in 2021 found support in the adjustments we made to the strategy in the autumn of 2019, as we have shifted our investment focus from relatively small positions to larger, fewer and more liquid positions. Driven by these focal points and our strong belief in our portfolio companies, our investment portfolio outperformed our benchmark by a wide margin in what was a rather volatile year.


2020 was yet another eventful, but also a special and volatile year for Lind Invest due to COVID-19 and the challenges and opportunities that arose as a result of the virus.

The adjustments of the strategy implemented in the autumn of 2019 made the organisation more agile and less complex, shifting the investment focus from relatively small investments to larger, fewer and more liquid investments. The change produced successful results in 2020.

Lind Invest generated profit after tax of DKK 1,251m for 2020, for an overall return on equity of 20.4% after tax.


2019 was an eventful year for Lind Invest, driven by the sale of Danske Commodities to Equinor. Due to the divestment, our investment portfolio grew massively – from DKK 3.4 billion at the start of 2019 to DKK 6.1 billion at end of the year. Lind Invest recorded profit after tax of DKK 3.1 billion in 2019. The performance was driven by the sale of Danske Commodities, which accounted for 86% of the profit, while 14% derived from returns on investment activities.
Moreover, divestments of Skjern Bank and Arkil later in 2019 marked a shift in our investment strategy and rebuild our portfolio.


2018 was yet another historic year for Lind Invest, driven by the announcement of the transfer of own­ership in Danske Commodities to Equinor. The deal was closed in January 2019. The sale marked a shift in the composition of assets in Lind Invest, and we are ready for the new situation, which leaves our investment strategy and ap­proach unchanged. In 2018, the Group generated profit after tax of DKK 344.2 million achieved by Danske Commodities and Lind Capital as the investment portfolio generated a negative return.


2017 was a historic year, not only for Lind Invest but for the entire Group. In fact, 2017 was the best year of the Lind Invest Group – ever. Lind Invest achieved profit after tax of DKK 612 million equalling a return on equity of 25,8%, bringing the average return on equity for the past ten years to 39,1%. This significant 2017 result is due to very strong operational perfor­mance in all business areas driven by skilled, ambitious and passionate people. These people are our employees, and they are our most valuable asset. Our employees pos­sess by far the greatest potential of all possibilities going forward.


2016 was a highly satisfactory year in terms of both strong financial results and strategic positioning for the coming years. Lind Invest achieved a profit after tax of DKK 374 million resulting in a return on equity of 20%. The 2016 result was achieved through good performances by both our Group Companies and Investment Activities together with the tireless efforts of our highly skilled, ambitious and committed employees who every single day try to do things a little smarter or better than the day before.


Lind Invest achieved its best ever annual performance in 2015, posting profit after tax of DKK 417 million for a return on equity of 28.4%. 2015 was also the year when we benefitted the most from our strategies and positioning vis-à-vis the market situation in both in our Group Companies and Investment Activities. The 2015 Annual Report explains how Lind Invest generated value in businesses as active owners by describing the development of the investments for which the Group’s ownership ended in 2015.


With a net profit of DKK 89 million in 2014 (2013: DKK 346 million), the Group’s profit decreased by 74% in 2014 – in what may be called a hard landing! However, 2014 brought both challenges and successes. The biggest challenge was the focused alignment of the Group’s largest investment which was completed at the end of 2014. Success was seen in the realisation of several investments within the Group with highly attractive returns to follow. Moreover, the Group expanded its platform of risk management and preparations for further growth were completed.


This year’s profit of DKK 341 million (2012: DKK 222 million) in Lind Invest Holding drove equity past the DKK 1 billion mark. In this annual report, we reflected on the concepts of market and capital discipline and on active ownership which in our view is essential for creating value. We believe that focusing on these parameters is one of the main reasons why we have got to where we are today.


The 2012 Annual Report presented the best results in the Group’s history, showing significant growth in earnings, revenue and business activities. These historic results should be seen in the light of considerable investment and strong growth in the Group’s portfolio companies. We are very proud of this year’s excellent results which we attribute in the main to our talented employees’ tireless efforts throughout the year. Also in the 2012 Annual Report, we introduced the concept of Social Responsibility.


2011 was a satisfactory year for the Group despite the political uncertainty in Europe and the banks’ general reluctance to lend. Backed by its high equity ratio, Lind Invest had little need of co-financing. In 2011, we managed to grow our business primarily through our own funds. We are proud of that. In 2011, Lind Invest achieved a highly satisfactory profit before tax of DKK 225 million.

Policy on the under-represented gender in management

Lind Invest and all its subsidiaries are subject to the following policy which sets targets for increasing the ratio of the under-represented gender in the management of the Group Companies.

This policy and its target figures are also intended to ensure that the Group complies with the requirements of the Danish Companies Act on policy targets for the gender composition of the top management body.

Our policy is based on women as the under-represented gender due to the Group’s current gender ratios.

Read the Lind Invest Group’s policy for 2021 on the under-represented gender in management below.












Statutory statement on corporate social responsibility

Pursuant to Danish legislation, Lind Invest has defined a statutory statement on corporate social responsibility. Information on Lind Invest’s statutory statement on corporate social responsibility is available below.









Pursuant to Danish legislation, Lind Invest has prepared a statutory statement on data ethics. Information on Lind Invest’s statutory statement on data ethics is available below.

