Lind Invest presents Annual Report 2022

2022 was a challenging year for Lind Invest. It was a year with volatile and declining financial markets, which also impacted our investment results. However, considering the development of the financial markets we find the results of our investments satisfactory.

Based on our investment result and our donations, Lind Invest generated a profit after tax of DKK -858m for 2022.

In 2022, we reached an important milestone within the social responsibility area with the establishment of Lind Foundation. With their own organisation, they have execution power and financial muscles to do more than ever within donations to the social area and disadvantaged people. In the Fiscal year, Lind Invest donated DKK 138m to Lind Foundation and DKK 250m to Project Kongelunden, which emphasizes our high ambitions in this area.

Without the inclusion of our donations to Lind Foundation and Project Kongelunden, our result after tax is DKK -470m.

For more on the performance and highlights of 2022, read the  Annual Report here.