Lind Foundation to accelerate social change

Lind Invest has established Lind Foundation – a nonprofit with the commitment to deliver real social and societal change with meaningful and measurable results for people regardless of differences and starting points.

During the past 10 years, Lind Invest has supported and partnered with social organisations and projects by exploring which social efforts create the best value for people and being curious about how to identify them by using impact measurements. With Lind Foundation these efforts will now be accelerated.

Lind Foundation will be focusing on five areas: education, employment, mental health, housing, and sustainable livelihoods through support to and partnerships with organisations and projects in both Denmark and internationally.

The foundation is committed to improve living conditions, increase opportunity, generate positive social and societal impact — by empowering people regardless of differences to lead their own change. By utilising the latest methodologies and leveraging knowledge within the social return on investment method (SROI) Lind Foundation drives social and societal change.

Read more about Lind Foundation.