Lind Invest presents Annual Report 2021

2021 was a very successful year for Lind Invest. It was a year of superior financial performance while we as a society learned to live with Covid-19 as things slowly went back to normal.

Lind Invest generated profit after tax of DKK 1,817m for 2021, and equity increased by 27%. We consider the performance highly satisfactory in both absolute and relative terms.

The performance in 2021 found support in the adjustments we made to the strategy in the autumn of 2019, as we have shifted our investment focus from relatively small positions to larger, fewer and more liquid positions. Driven by these focal points and our strong belief in our portfolio companies, our investment portfolio outperformed our benchmark by a wide margin in what was a rather volatile year.

Operationally and organisationally, we continued making our operational setup stronger – both in our decision making in investment processes, and in our trading and risk management as well as in our control systems. This work will continue inten­sively in 2022.

For more on the performance and highlights of 2021, read the Annual Report here.