Lind Invest presents 2020 Annual Report

2020 was yet another eventful, but also a special and volatile year for Lind Invest due to COVID-19 and the challenges and opportunities that arose as a result of the virus.
The adjustments of the strategy implemented in the autumn of 2019 made the organisation more agile and less complex, shifting the investment focus from relatively small investments to larger, fewer and more liquid investments. The change produced successful results in 2020.
Lind Invest generated profit after tax of DKK 1,251m for 2020, for an overall return on equity of 20.4% after tax.

The investment portfolio outperformed our benchmark by a wide margin in what was a highly volatile year in 2020. The performance is highly satisfactory and a result of a strong and committed team effort.

For more on the performance and highlights of 2020, read the Annual Report here.